Tiger in the room

In the Muslim Brotherhood explanatory memorandum for its strategic objectives in North America we read:

  The Ikhwan [brothers] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.

This memorandum was approved by the Muslim Brotherhood Shura Council, and the U.S. Justice Department affirmed its authenticity when it entered the memorandum as evidence in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing trial.

Think about what this memorandum is saying.

  • It’s calling for a “grand Jihad”;
  • Its goal is to destroy Western civilization;
  • They will use people in the West as enablers of their own destruction (“sabotaging its miserable house by their hands…”)


In other words, the Muslim Brotherhood believes that by using “information warfare” it can recruit Westerners to assist it in toppling Western civilization.

And the Muslim Brotherhood has been very successful at doing this.

Who are these enablers?

They include those who refuse to acknowledge jihadist ideology as the driving force behind Islamic terrorism. Those who believe deceptive platitudes offered by groups like CAIR, ISNA, MPAC and ICNA. Those who actively work to silence critics of radical Islam by calling them “Islamophobes.”


Lt. Col. Dooley

When General Martin Dempsey publicly dressed down Lt. Colonel Matthew Dooley, who was teaching about the threat of Islamic terrorism at the National Defense University, Dempsey became a poster child for the Muslim Brotherhood’s goal of tearing us down “by our own hands.”

ACT! for America is aggressively fighting back against the Muslim Brotherhood’s “civilization jihad.”

  • From the Obama administration to university professors to media personalities who flack for the Muslim Brotherhood, we are exposing their tactics and associations with Muslim Brotherhood connected organizations.
  • On Capitol Hill and in state legislatures we are educating elected officials and their staffs about the Muslim Brotherhood and its strategy of using Americans to do its bidding to achieve its goal of destroying us from within. Our Director of Government Relations points congressional staff to the Muslim Brotherhood expose’ located on the ACT! for America Education website.
  • We’ve launched a national campaign, “Americans United to Defend Free Speech,” to fight back against assaults on free speech by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and its enablers in our government.

Your monthly Patriot Partner gift or single Contributing Member gift will help us continue and even expand these efforts.

  Please log on here and make either a monthly Patriot Partner contribution or a single gift Contributing Member contribution.

Our online contribution process is safe, simple and secure.

If you prefer to mail a check, you can print out a reply form here.


The Muslim Brotherhood has already proven in Europe how successful its information warfare strategy can be. Just ask people like Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Woolf, ACT! for America chapter leader in Austria, who was convicted of using “hate speech.” European leaders doing the bidding of the Muslim Brotherhood are tearing down their countries by their own hands!

Author Mark Steyn has stated he believes America is the last hope against the rising tide of global radical Islam. ACT! for America is on the front lines of this struggle and we need your help!

Please visit our website today and make the most generous monthly Patriot Partner contribution or single Contributing Member contribution you can make.

Or, if you prefer to mail a check, you can print out a reply form here.

Help us reach today’s Spring Pledge Drive goal, and by doing so, help us continue our pushback against the Muslim Brotherhood’s “civilization jihad.”


Make sure you receive all of your messages from ACT for America. Add actforamerica@donationnet.net to your address book as an approved email sender. If you found this message in your “Bulk” or “Spam” folder, please click the “Not Spam” button to notify your provider that these are emails you want to receive.



ACT for America
P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591

Above the law?


Muslim leader’s stunning claim at Texas rally for Islam


Muslims living in America should not be bound by U.S. law, according to a leader of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, who delivered the controversial message to a crowd at a Muslim rally in Austin, Texas.

“If we are practicing Muslims, we are above the law of the land,” said Mustafa Carroll, executive director of the Dallas-Fort Worth CAIR branch.

The rally in Austin was part of a nationwide effort to hold “Muslim Capitol Day” events.

According to the event website, Muslims from around Texas went to the capitol to “promote civic and political activism throughout the wider Muslim community.”

The organizers said one major issue discussed “was the recent House and Senate bill proposals involving the implementation of ‘anti-Shariah’ legislation, where the First Amendment rights and freedoms of Muslims would ultimately be hindered.”

Critics argue Shariah prohibits other faiths from free exercise of religion when enforced, giving freedom only to Muslims.

Carroll’s statement was similar to a statement allegedly made by CAIR co-founder and former chairman Omar M. Ahmad. He was paraphrased by a reporter saying, “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant” and the Quran “should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”

Carroll began joking about the widespread concern about Shariah, the religious code that governs Muslim civil and political life.

“We tried to downplay Shariah, because we didn’t want to give the other side any excitement for being here,” he said.

He dismissed critics who express concern about Shariah, calling them “anti-foreign.”

“When you even say the word Shariah, people get nervous. We are not advocating for Shariah. We are not trying to make Shariah the law of the land,” he said.

Carroll claimed Muslims only want the “right to practice our faith.”

But he also said, “If you understand Shariah, the foundation of our faith … how we treat our neighbor, how we treat our parents … how we participate in society, all of that is part of Shariah.”

Carroll is on record defending Hamas, classified by the U.S. as a terrorist group.

“I think you can only blame Hamas for so long. It takes two to tango. And I think, you know, that what we’ve heard for a number of years is this terrorist, terrorist, terrorist, terrorist, Hamas, Hamas, Hamas, was not just Hamas,” he’s said.

At CAIR’s Dallas banquet in 2007, Carroll denied the Quran is the source of terrorism.

“Look at the true cause of the terrorism. It’s not somebody is reading a book, reading a Quran, and then go out and say, ‘Well, the Quran told me to blow this up. I’m gonna blow it up.’ The cause, the root cause of terrorism is oppression. The root cause of terrorism is oppression.”

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/03/we-are-above-the-law-of-the-land/#7QLzhvWduD4lHW6I.99


Make sure you receive all of your messages from ACT for America. Add actforamerica@donationnet.net to your address book as an approved email sender. If you found this message in your “Bulk” or “Spam” folder, please click the “Not Spam” button to notify your provider that these are emails you want to receive.



ACT for America
P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591

ACT for Americ

He is laughing at us.

Dear Adrian,

Home Secretary Theresa May has lost her appeal against a court ruling preventing the deportation of extremist preacher and suspected Al Qaeda operative Abu Qatada.

Following this ridiculous decision, he was returned to prison following an alleged bail breach on 9 March.

Whether he is in prison, or living at our expense in a free house, he always costs is a fortune the parasite.

This hate-filled Islamic fanatic is once again living in luxury at YOUR expense.

Then we have hordes of Muslim rape gangs defiling our young girls all over the country, Islamic ‘no go areas’ in many of our cities complete with bearded vigilantes enforcing their medieval laws on local British citizens, and nobody lifts a finger!

We are losing our country my friend!

Will you just sit and take, or will you fight back like your forefathers did?

Britain FirstI understand there is a recession raging at the moment, but the campaign to ensure our children’s future and our nation’s survival continues regardless!

I must ask you two important questions:

Is our country worth £1 a week to you?

Are our children worth £1 a week to you?

I want you, Adrian, to sign up to a ‘Patriot’s Pledge’ for just £4 per month that will empower the Britain First movement to take action on behalf of our beleaguered people.

Can you find it within your heart to sacrifice a paltry £4 per month for your country?

If you cannot volunteer as an activist pounding the streets giving out leaflets and canvassing our people for support, then will you help provide the resources our frontline activists so desperately need?

When you sign up, £4 will be debited from your card every month (via ultra-secure PayPal) and will provide the regular funding our activists need to execute our campaigns and spread our message of hope and salvation for our long suffering nation.

BFEvery penny generously donated will be wisely spent on our campaigns!

Help build a secure future for our people by signing up to a ‘Patriot’s Pledge’, today!

The whole process is super easy and takes no longer than 2 minutes!

This system is NOT a ‘Direct Debit’ so if you miss a payment you will NOT be charged.

To sign up today Adrian, please click on the link below:


I would like to thank you in advance for your support, it is deeply appreciated.

Yours sincerely
Paul Golding
Chairman, Britain First

PS: If you cannot sign up to a Patriot’s Pledge, for whatever reason, please consider giving a one-off donation (via ultra-secure PayPal) to help fund our campaigns and our expansion plans. Please click below:


Britain First
Joined yet? Call 0208 914 8212 TODAY!
Britain First

Britain First, PO Box 119, Swanley, Kent, BR8 9DY – 0208 914 8212 – (C) Britannia Campaigning Ltd
(Reg NI607513), Centre house, 79 Chichester Street, Belfast, BT1 4JE – Unsubscribe

Taking good photographs

Taking good Photographs in simple terms

Getting sharp images:

For best results use a sturdy tripod and lock-up your mirror prior to clicking the shutter with a remote release (or use the shutter release timer).

If you need to hand hold, ensure that the shutter speed is fast enough; this will depend on your personal ability to hold the camera steady, the focal length of the lens and whether or not the lens / camera has image stability built in.

Choose an appropriate aperture for the depth of field that you require; a small aperture (high f number) for wide depth of field (typical for landscapes) or a large aperture (small f number) for shallow depth of field (typical for portraiture). To maximise the depth of field achieved for a given aperture when taking landscape photos, focus approximately one third of the way into the scene.

Buy the best quality lenses that you can afford. A consumer camera body with a high quality lens will obtain better quality images than a pro camera body with a consumer spec kit lens; spend wisely!


There are various ‘rules’ for helping with composition, the most commonly used being the rule of thirds; divide the scene through your lens into three both vertically and horizontally giving four points of intersection; place the most important element on one of these intersection points.

Remember that rules are there to be broken and achieving good balance in an image can be more important than force fitting some arbitrary rules!

Crop your image to a shape that gives most impact; letter box, square etc.


Remember it is light that you are recording on the sensor / film and digital cameras and film have a limit to the range from darkest to brightest that they can record; exceed this and you will have either blocked up shadows or burned out highlights.

Landscape photographers use graduated Neutral Density filters to darken the sky so that all tones can be captured.

The light at and around sun rise and sun set is much warmer than at mid day and shadows are much longer resulting in much more pleasing images, particularly for landscape photography. That said, there are times when the soft light pre-dawn, post sunrise, or on an overcast or misty day is the perfect light for the subject. For each subject consider what will work best and the angle that you will make the image; also consider B&W / mono as days with dull colour can make great B&W images.

Post Processing:

There is nothing new about post processing, it is not something that was invented for digital photography; it is much cleaner digitally, and you have the ability to click ‘undo’ but the concept of manipulating imagery goes back a long way with all serious darkroom printers at least doing a little dodging and burning to bring out the best in their prints.

Get as much right in camera and try not to over-do the processing; a good image can be ruined whilst a poor image cannot be turned into a good image!

Improving your skills:

One great way of improving your skills is to join a local camera club where you will learn from the experienced members.

Alternatively (or in addition to joining a camera club), enrol onto a photography course.

Most importantly, get out with your camera and practice!


To see examples of putting the above into practice feel free to take a tour of my web site, link below:



For camera reviews


Britain’s broken welfare system was exposed again after Sharon Minkin claimed that getting a job would mean forfeiting a host of cushy entitlements.

The divorcee lives in a three-bedroom, semi-detached house in the market town of St Albans, Herts.

Her rented home is equipped with a farmhouse-style kitchen, giant flat-screen TV, large garden, piano and wooden floors.

From October, her catalogue of taxpayer-funded handouts will total £3,905-a-month or a staggering £46,860-a-year.

After working out the maths, the former City worker said joining Britain’s workforce would leave her and her three children, aged 14, 18 and 19, much worse off.

To enjoy the life she currently leads only a job paying £70,000-a-year before tax would be worth taking.


Figures released by the European Commission showed that 566,000 migrants arrived in Britain in 2011 alone, the latest available statistic.

It is the highest number in Europe and represents almost 20 per cent of migration from outside and inside the European Union.

Britain is still most popular for those travelling from beyond Europe. And the UK is second only to Germany for migration within the EU.

Between 1066 and 1950 England only had a million migrants. In the 1950s the Government opened the door to immigrants from commonwealth countries and former British colony‘s.

The UKBA not fit for purpose.

The UK Border Agency is to be abolished with its work returning to the Home Office, Theresa May has announced.

The home secretary told MPs “its performance was not good enough”.

The UK Border Agency was formed in 2008 as an arms-length agency of the Home Office but Mrs May said this had led to a “secretive culture”.

It will now be split into parts focusing on the visa system and on immigration law enforcement. Both parts will report directly to ministers.

It is the second time the UK Border Agency has been split in just over a year.

International law requires refugees to seek asylum in the first safe country they enter. So why are we letting economic migrants travel half way round the world to enter Britain.

It is obvious if you live on £5 a day in Africa but can get more on welfare in the UK and a nice house to live in you will try to get to the UK and claim asylum.

Forced to eat Halal

Larkswood Primary School, Chingford, where only 10% of pupils are Muslim, is to switch to serving only halal meat beginning in mid-April.

Non-Muslim pupils? No choice, if they want meat then they’re getting meat which is slaughtered in the barbaric halal fashion and has Muslim prayers said over it.

Parents have, quite understandably, reacted with fury.

Tina Hill, whose 8 year old son attends the school, is quoted by local media saying that:

“Why should their views be forced on us? I think it’s disgusting. I do not want my child eating food which has been slaughtered in this way and blessed.

“I am so angry about it I would consider taking my son out of Larkswood.”

Other parents have stated that they were strongly against the plans but feared being branded as racist if they spoke out.

halal_mainComments from un-named parents include “I think it’s unfair when it’s only a small minority of the school who are Muslim” and “I am very angry about it and I will stop my child having hot school dinners if they do go ahead with this. I’ll give him a packed lunch instead.”

Headteacher Lynne Harrowell, totally dismissing the concern of non-Muslim parents, responded with the idiot statement that:

“Most of New Zealand lamb is Halal, as is the meat in many restaurants and fast food places like KFC. Many people are very aware that most of us eat Halal meat.”

That makes it fine then, non-Muslims should just eat halal and shut up moaning then!

Sadly that attitude is prevalent among officialdom – Muslims must get what they demand, non-Muslims can just like it or lump it.

Muslims get a choice, they get what they want – we get no choice.

Coming soon to a school near you. It won’t be long before halal is the only option wherever our children eat.

The Islamification of Britain continues, our children are to be forced to eat halal in school after school or go without.

Anyone concerned at halal food being forced on non-Muslim children can contact Larkswood Primary School on:

020 8529 4979 (8.30 to 16.30 Monday to Friday)


Please remember to be polite and courteous at all times should you choose to contact the school.